
A bookmarklet for web designers to see what websites look like without text.

What it does

ExitText will change text on a website from this:

ExitText screenshot before activation

Into scribbles like this:

ExitText screenshot once activated

This is great for seeing how your content flows without having to read the words themselves. You can also use ExitText to see where text is embedded in images -- a big no-no for accessibility and translations.

How to install

ExitText is a bookmarklet, so the script runs in your browser from your bookmarks.

To install, drag this link to your bookmarks bar: ExitText

View the Project on GitHub brycehanscomb/exittext

This project is maintained by brycehanscomb

Read More

Read the blog post:

Remove Text And Design Without Reading With ExitText

See the original UX StackExchange thread:

UX Experiment: How does an existing website look without text?